
Human Resources Entrepreneur Wanted: Tap into the Booming Online Business Landscape

$95,000 WIWO

Embark on an exciting journey as the proud owner of a highly profitable online HR business, offering unmatched flexibility, limitless scalability, and abundant profitability. With its loyal customer base, low overheads, and potential for expansion, this venture perfectly complements your existing HR consulting or workplace relations services, or it can thrive as a standalone enterprise.

A solid foundation of Australian HR knowledge is needed to effectively manage this venture. Seize this well-established opportunity to effortlessly cater to the rapidly expanding HR needs of the booming small to medium business industry, all from the comfort of your own home.

As a completely online enterprise, you are free from the burdens of renting a physical space or being tied to a specific location. Enjoy the freedom of generating substantial profits from anywhere in the world! The best part? And no employees necessary. Handle all the work in about 50 - 100 hours IN A YEAR!

Enquire today to learn more about this unique opportunity.



Price $95,000 WIWO
Business Type Business
Business ID 290
Category Education/Training, Professional


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